cte ny,,,smlm pny cter,,haha,,,best gler,,pas shrian aq cri isi bhas yg mmening an otk,,yg m'buat an otk aq gstrik,,prot aq migrain,,,akhirnye,,dpt gak aq siap an,,teks bhas,,yg akhirnye,,,kne cover blek,,hujah yg x kkoh,,,nk tgok x,,pic2 yg ktowg snap2,,!,,haha,,ny ha,,,
law aq snap pic,,mst tyme2,,aq btol an tdong..huhh |
teha..!!..npew gitu,,??? |
x nk tnjokkcomelan tita.. |
t'serlah kcute an aq,, |
teha skew sgt,,wt aksi pelik,,! |
seb bek,,mon da mndi,,! |
almk,,dew yg syg aq la,,,cian,incix kenji aq,, |
aq kne pkse kiss sweet tutle.. |
sweet fren,,! |
teha ngn aq,,mmg sweet,, |
ny bwu cket,,ragam,,dak2 ny,,korg tgok la the another picture that show yg ktowg ny,,w'pon da f5,,p thp kmtgn ktowg,,,sme ngn dak drjh 5,,o,,lbey tept,,,cm dak 5 taon,,,,,,,,,,,
mkew2 tomey..! |
3 princess...haha
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